The midnight workout

We live in a culture of appearances. Think, for a moment, about how many people you know — including yourself — who are constantly striving to project a certain image in order to impress, to communicate or even to connect with others. When it comes to social media, when is the last time you posted a photo that reflects your reality? Whether it’s a filter you used to enhance the aesthetic, or an image that is more of a momentary glimpse of time than an accurate representation of your life, we select and post photos that we want others to base their perceptions upon. And while this may seem benign enough, when you consider that social media is a mere microcosm of the world we live in, the implications become a little more meaningful. We have been conditioned to put on a façade when we want to give off a certain impression, or to tell people exactly what they want to hear....
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How to reprogram your mind

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted to? Or have you settled into the status quo? Most of us have a subconscious idea of what we think we deserve. And when life does not represent what we think it should be like, we experience frustration and discontent, which can spur us into action to make change. But this can work in reverse as well. So many of us end up sabotaging our success. What happens is, we start thinking that we deserve better, and we drop right back down to where we think we should be – in our careers, our finances, our relationships, our health, our general sense of well-being. What if you took active control of your mind and redirected your focus on making your life a masterpiece? What if you reprogram the way you think to design a life that gives you fulfillment, joy and passion? Your mind is the key to success. And if you want to live the...
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The Value of Merely Imagining a Test

The value of a detailed test case increases if you don’t perform it and decreases when you do perform it. The increased value comes from mentally walking through the test, which forces you to consider as many details as you can without interacting with the product-under-test.  This is more valuable than doing nothing. The decreased value comes from interacting with the product-under-test, which helps you learn more than the test case itself taught you. What’s the takeaway?  If an important test is too complicated to perform, we should at least consider writing a detailed test case for it.  If you think you can perform the test, you should consider not writing a detailed test case and instead focusing on the performance and taking notes to capture your learning as it occurs....
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